Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Composition lesson #1: Where to put your horizon?

One of the simplest ways to make your travel photos more interesting this summer is to remember "the rule of thirds."  If you divide any photograph into three sections, whether is be land and sky and trees or people and building, etc. it is more interesting.  The best way to teach this is to show examples so her ya go:

DON'T put your horizon smack dab in the middle of the picture.  Splitting your photo composition in half is not pleasing, nor interesting to the eye.

It looks much more artistically interesting to move the horizon either down, filling your page with the focal point

Or move your horizon up so that you have a more interesting composition.

This is just a principle to help you take better photo's while traveling and sightseeing this summer.  Mostly remember to have fun.  Until next time, keep on shooting and go to http://www.miragesbymarilyn.com/ for Michigan Portrait and Wedding Photography.